template made by poohsources
"last of a dying breed, the nephilim. henceforth known as. Enoch."

black queer eroguro/horror/bara artist and gamedev. he/him/, cor/corpse/gore/goreself neos.
old enough to piss off your dad but too young to be your dad. not to be trusted unsupervised around your old/dying relatives. internet funnyman/jester. 50/69 chance you should take what i say seriously. emo. autistic. evil vampire gorefucker (worst of all, a MAN!!!11) and cute shit connoisseur. DNI/F
fujo/faghags. white women. feral/bestiality freaks. (see; no white women.) proship/profic/anti/anti-anti. (Not doing the internet loser gang war shit with anyone. i'm pro fucking killing you with a hammer and anti NOT fucking killing you with a hammer.) fnf fans. minors. (see: fnf fans) dsmp fans. loli/shotacon/any other word that means banned within a five mile radius of a preschool. nft/unedited ai art shitheads. "straight bara" artists. transphobes, racists, nazis and terfs. (Please be aware that identifying as any of the above and entering this page gives me access to your first and last name for entry into the Death Note)
dark jokes, gruesome art, gross porn, and religious imagery ahead. unless specified, i don't inherently condone what i portray. nothing wrong with being uncomfortable with any of the former and i hold no animosity if you want to block/distance in advance. different strokes for different folks, and you know how much i love a good stroking. look out for your mental health before browsing ANY of my socials if you have an aversion to blood, drugs, self harm and questionable feelings about the nonliving. not above explaining symbolism, themes or imagery if asked. i say slurs and reclaim them. as slurs. ❤ LIKES
obscure horror/indie foreign films/gory movies. throwing up. breakcore. cats. sanrio characters. taking advantage of your mom's dwindling fertility window to make her a kid that isn't a disappointment. baking. surgery. dead guys. guns. meat dressing. music. FAVE WORKS
golden kamuy. yakuza. katana zero. detroit metal city. devil may cry. jjba. unico. guinea pig series. naked blood. MUSIC
kmfdm. orgy. machine girl. whokilledxix. marilyn manson. msi. necroslut. emetophilia. rammstein. wumpscut. skinny puppy. lorn. massive attack. filmmaker + so fucking many more lmfao just ask.
"cruel, delinquent virtual angel tasked with managing mortal hearts."
"it can't be wrong if it feels....it feels...good. I've always wanted to see my own insides, all my organs, and now they're streaked up the hood of your car!"!
KINS + Names
(in no particular order)
Kizami Yuuya · Corpse Party
Nishitani Homare · Yakuza 0
Kiriwar · Togainu no Chi
Nicolas · Gangsta
Masao Kakihara · Koroshiya Ichi
Krauser · Detroit Metal City
Yami Malik · Yu-Gi-Oh
Robbie the Rabbit · Silent Hill
V · Katana Zero
Dio · Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
L · Death Note
Alucard · Hellsing
Ryuji Goda · Yakuza kintypes
dhampir"you know those fucked up gore videos of unidentifiable men you get blasted on your computer after you get a virus from pirating god knows what? i'm that. i'm life ruining torment for a stupid mistake. i'm a hissing, fading effigy of everything human and everything nonhuman. and most importantly, i'm your fault."

in order of usage

"haven't done a thing, really.
which is a shame, i'd love to be a martyr. most i can be crucified for is gathering up all the ones you threw away and licking their wounds until i couldn't stomach the taste of blood anymore."
(The Seraphim )
soon... II
( The Forlorn )
soon... III
( The Mendicant)